Program Objectives

■ Describe how to recognize an emergency and size up the scene.

■ Explain how to activate and work with the emergency medical services (EMS) system.

■ Understand legal concepts as they apply to lay responders, including consent and the purpose of Good Samaritan laws.

■ Identify how to reduce the risk of disease transmission when giving care.

■ Demonstrate how to check a person who is responsive for life-threatening and

non-life-threatening conditions.

■ Explain how to check an injured or ill person who appears to be unresponsive.

■ Recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, and describe appropriate first aid care for a person who is showing these signs and symptoms.

■ Describe the links in the Cardiac Chain of Survival.

■ Demonstrate CPR and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) for a person who is in cardiac arrest.

■ Demonstrate first aid care for a person who is choking.

■ Recognize the signs and symptoms of shock, and describe appropriate first aid care for a person who is showing these signs and symptoms.

■ Recognize the signs and symptoms of, and describe appropriate first aid care for, the following sudden illnesses: breathing emergencies, diabetic emergencies, seizures, fainting and stroke.

■ Describe methods used to control external bleeding, including the application of direct pressure and the application of a commercial tourniquet.

■ Demonstrate the application of direct pressure to control external bleeding.

■ Explain when a commercial tourniquet should be used, and describe the basic principles of using a tourniquet.

■ Recognize the signs and symptoms of, and describe appropriate first aid care for, the following injuries: burns; muscle, bone and joint injuries; and head, neck and spinal injuries (including concussion).

■Recognize the signs and symptoms of, and describe appropriate first aid care for, the following environmental injuries and illnesses: heat-related illnesses, cold-related illnesses and poisoning.